Član od Apr '03

Radni jezici:
poljski na engleski
slovenački na engleski
hrvatski na engleski
srpski na engleski
francuski na engleski

Krys Williams
Medical / pharmaceutical expertise

Swansea, Wales, Velika Britanija
Lokalno vreme: 18:09 GMT (GMT+0)

Maternji jezik: engleski Native in engleski
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What Krys Williams is working on
Jan 9, 2017 (posted via ProZ.com):  I turn over about half a million words of medical/pharma content each year. ...more, + 6 other entries »
Total word count: 11900

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Usluge Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specijalizovan/a za:
Medicina (uopšteno)Kozmetika, lepota
Medicina: kardiologijaMedicina: farmacija
Medicina: zdravstvoMedicina: instrumenti

poljski na engleski - Tarife: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR po reči / 30 - 40 EUR na sat
slovenački na engleski - Tarife: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR po reči / 30 - 40 EUR na sat
hrvatski na engleski - Tarife: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR po reči / 30 - 40 EUR na sat
srpski na engleski - Tarife: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR po reči / 30 - 40 EUR na sat
francuski na engleski - Tarife: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR po reči / 30 - 40 EUR na sat

KudoZ aktivnost (PRO) Poeni na PRO-nivou: 184, Odgovori na pitanja: 84, Postavljena pitanja: 31
Project History 6 prikazanih projekata
Detalji projektaRezime projektaPotvrda

Obim: 26500 words
Završeno: Oct 2006
španski na engleski
Clinical trial protocols

Medicina: farmacija
 Bez komentara.

Obim: 3627 words
Završeno: Oct 2006
poljski na engleski
2 medical journal articles (case reports on drug-induced complications)

Medicina (uopšteno)
 Bez komentara.

Obim: 2315 words
Završeno: Sep 2006
francuski na engleski
Hospital reports: melanoma patient

Medicina (uopšteno)
 Bez komentara.

Obim: 1244 words
Završeno: Aug 2006
slovenački na engleski
Regulatory correspondence on pesticide registration

 Bez komentara.

Obim: 8400 words
Završeno: Jun 2006
nemački na engleski
Powerpoint presentation on medical device

Medicina: instrumenti
 Bez komentara.

Obim: 1435 words
Završeno: Apr 2006
hrvatski na engleski
Medical journal article on facial erythema

Medicina (uopšteno)
 Bez komentara.

Glosari French medical, German medical, Polish medical, Spanish - medical
Iskustvo Godine iskustva: 24. Registrovan/a na ProZ.com: Nov 2000. Postao član: Apr 2003.
Svedočanstva N/A
Članstva N/A
Softver memoQ, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume engleski (PDF)
Events and training
Profesionalna praksa Krys Williams prihvata ProZ.com's Profesionalnih smernice (v1.1).

I have been working as a medical translator on a full-time basis since the start of 2004 and operate through my own company: Tehuti Knowledge Services Ltd.

I am a native speaker of English, and am familiar with medical and biomedical terminology in general, and have specialist knowledge of immunology, cell biology, toxicology and pharmaceutical science, including regulatory issues.

I receive regular commissions from the UK, Europe and United States to translate documents relating to clinical trials and regulatory pharmacology, SOPs, biomedical journal articles and hospital discharge reports out of Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, French, German and Spanish.

I have a PhD in biomedical science and a postgraduate diploma in library and information science. Prior to going freelance, I had 15 years work experience as a scientist and information specialist.

Previous to that employment, I spent five years in Zagreb, Croatia. Among other things, I translated a variety of scientific and library/information science documents from Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian into English. I also edited, proofread and abstracted English texts. My clients included several academic journals, a pharmaceutical company, an information centre and numerous individual scientists and students.

With respect to other interests, I have a passionate interest in Egyptology, and am interested in classical, folk and world music. Since moving to Wales, I have started learning Welsh and enjoy immersing myself in the culture of Cymru Gymraeg.

Ključne reči: medicine, biology, biomedicine, toxicology, pharmaceuticals, drugs, regulatory, pharmacology, cell biology, immunology. See more.medicine, biology, biomedicine, toxicology, pharmaceuticals, drugs, regulatory, pharmacology, cell biology, immunology, proofreading, editing, abstracting, indexing, clinical trials. See less.

Datum poslednjeg ažuriranja profila
Jan 28