Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

rizom reuma

engleski translation:

Chinese rhubarb rhizome

Added to glossary by Natasa Djurovic
May 16, 2008 22:15
16 yrs ago
srpski term

rizom reuma

srpski na engleski Medicina Botanika medical herbs
Isti sastojak čaja kao ptrethodni
Proposed translations (engleski)
4 +3 Chinese rhubarb rhizome

Proposed translations

9 min

Chinese rhubarb rhizome

reum,rabarbara ~ Rheum palmatum L. - Polygonaceae

Da Huang
Chinese Rhubarb (root & rhizome)
Rheum palmatum

Note added at 55 mins (2008-05-16 23:11:29 GMT)

Rheum palmatum L. - Reum, lepezasta rabarbara

Rhei radix
Rabarbarin korijen

Rheum palmatum L. var. plamatum, R. officinale Baill., R. tanguticum L., Polygonaceae

Oguljeni osušeni korijen vrste r. palamtum. Nakon sabiranja korijen se guli (mundira). U njemu se razaznaju karakteristične zvjezdolike žile. Antracenski derivati locirani su u kambiju i u srčikinim zrakama zvjezdolikih žila. Žile su nepravilno smještene u korijenu i daju mramorirani izgled.

Rheum palmatum is commonly known as Chinese rhubarb

The roots and rhizomes of R. palmatum and the roots of R. rhabarbarum are used in medicinal treatments.

Rhubarb 1 oz.
We prepare our Rhubarb Extract from the rhizome & root of Rheum palmatum plants which are cultivated, harvested & processed according to traditional Chinese methods.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dinap
8 h
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
16 h
agree vesnadrag
2 dana 6 h
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