This question was closed without grading. Reason: Pogrešno pitanje
Feb 16 11:02
26 days ago
engleski term

Specific performance

engleski na srpski Pravo/patenti Pravo: ugovori
Specific performance is a contractual remedy in which a court orders a party to fulfill their obligations as closely as possible to what was promised in the contract , rather than simply paying damages for failing to do so.

To je definicija sa interneta, u ugovoru mi se pojavljuje kao mogućnost pravnog leka.
Proposed translations (srpski)
4 -1 izvršenje ugovora u naknadnom roku


Milan Nesic Feb 16:
Ako nekome zatreba - "ispunjenje konkretne ugovorne obaveze"

Proposed translations

4 h

izvršenje ugovora u naknadnom roku

Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : 'u naknadnom roku' is not the point / It’s an obligation imposed by a judge, but you make it sound like the other party graciously gave them time to make their minds about whether or not they fancy fulfilling their contractual obligations
3 h
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