Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Feb 11 09:57
1 mo ago
engleski term
engleski na srpski
Vojska / odbrana
Service dogs training
Foundation training concentrates on teaching the basic commands and behaviors which are the foundation for obedience training. Dogs learn basic commands such as sit, down, stay, come, heel, and recall through repetition, consistency, and positive reinforcement.
Training sessions are short, frequent, and engaging to keep the dog motivated and focused on learning.
Training sessions are short, frequent, and engaging to keep the dog motivated and focused on learning.
Proposed translations
5 | opoziv |
Milan Nesic
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Proposed translations
1 dan 9 h
"Nakon sudijinog znaka, vodič opoziva psa. Pas mora da se vrati kod vodiča veselo i brzo i da sedne brzo i blizu ispred vodiča. Nakon komande "pored", pas mora da zauzme sedeći polozaj pored vodiča. Ukoliko pas ne legne ili ostane da stoji ili sedi, ali je opoziv besprekoran, oduzima se 5 poena."
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