The team has been serving freelance language professionals since 1999.
Do you represent a business? Poslovno članstvu vam možda više odgovara.
Did you know?
At, members…
Get empowered. Exclusive, free access to a growing array of continuing professional development courses and material as part of their subscription (Plus subscription). Stop paying extra to get trained! Learn more.
Get paid jobs, projects managed by the team for industry partners, in both translation and interpreting. And if the client likes your work and wants to work with you directly, we’ll put you in contact with them! Are you an interpreter? Members get first shot at calls, free training to become compliant, and ongoing support from to start working and earning right away, backed by ProZ*Pay. Learn more.
Get paid more, faster, earlier, and their own way (PayPal, Payoneer, wire transfer, Skrill, etc.) using ProZ*Pay, the only payment service dedicated to getting as much money as possible, as soon as possible (even in advance of pay day), to the freelancer. Learn more.
Collaborate with like-minded individuals. The Certified PRO Network, specialist Pools, Mentoring, and other groups and initiatives, are powered by, and maintained for members, both on and off the site.
Get a full floating license to their own CAT tool as part of their subscription, now with ChatGPT integration (Plus subscription). No need to purchase a tool separately! Learn more.
Get protection. Invaluable risk management through the Blue Board™ helps you to avoid working with the wrong clients, and the team are actively reacting to and informing members about the latest scams directed at language professionals. Learn more.
Get full, free access to online events and networking opportunities throughout the year, including the annual International Translation Day event series, the industry’s largest gathering of freelance professionals since 2009. Learn more.
Get full access to an online invoicing tool built with the modern language professional in mind. Learn more.
Have fun and showcase their skills in contests. Regular translation contests are held, where members can hone their skills, have some fun, network, and leverage wins to meet new clients. The next contest starts soon! Learn more.
Get more clients and more work. members meet clients at 4 times the rate of non-members, appear in the first layer of directory results, can apply to member-only jobs, and their quotes are seen by job posters first. They can also build their own real-time project history to showcase the projects and specialties in which they work to potential clients using the “What I am working on” feature. Learn more.
Support, via their membership, the Pro bono program. The pro bono program is a new but fast-growing service within, enabling volunteers to contribute to making the world a better place, through their support or active participation in voluntary translation and interpreting. Learn more.
Are not alone. Members have the option to “partner for success” with a member of the Support and member success team, and get one-on-one guidance, advice, and help with meeting their professional objectives-- on and off the website.
And more. New services, tools, resources and other benefits are being added all the time.
People getting trained
People attending events
Calls to interpreters
People getting paid with ProZ*Pay
Companies using ProZ*Pay to pay their providers
ProZ*Pay volume to date
Earned by freelancers in paid jobs managed by
Job postings in the last 12 months
Directory searches for freelancers in the last 12 months
People registered at
Term help questions asked
People collaborating in groups
Partnerships for success
Pro bono words donated
Non-profits helped
Pretplata na predstavlja
pametnu poslovnu odluku. Evo i zbog čega:
- Kako je rekao jedan frilenser, "radi automatski kao marketinška alatka".
Vaš profil neprestano radi za vas...
I dok vi radite, vaš profil obavlja svoju funkciju. imenik je najveći i najdetaljniji u jezičkoj industriji i stotine poslodavaca ga svakodnevno koriste za angažovanje radnika. Klijenti i prevodioci se najčešće upoznaju preko stranica profila, a ne putem oglasa za posao. - I to nije sve. je i globalna zajednica
Kontakti koje uspostavite sa kolegama od poverenja mogu dovesti do sjajnih stvari (i biti izvor novog posla). Prevodioci koriste da se povežu sa kolegama iz profesije i da zajedno stvore nove poslove, prevodilačke organizacije, mreže, inicijative, usluge i događaje, preko interneta i lično. Održavanje prisustva na vodećem raskršću prevodilačke industrije vas može odvesti u smerovima koje niste mogli predvideti.
Više od 36.000 prevodilaca, tumača i prevodilačkih kompanija je prihvatilo profesionalne smernice. Objavljena je nova verzija smernica. Pogledajte profesionalne smernice ovde
Jedno profesionalno članstvo,
dva paketa koje možete da odaberete
Odaberite paket koji najbolje odgovara vašim potrebama. Uporedite karakteristike
Do you represent a business?
Poslovno članstvu vam možda više odgovara.
Uporedite opcije servisnih paketa
Član ![]() |
Besplatno | Standard paket |
Plus paket |
Istraživanje i pomoć oko termina | |||
Fakturisanje na mreži | |||
Funkcije povezivanja | |||
Puna prednost visokog ranga portala na Google-u i drugim pretraživačima | |||
Prioritetni rang u direktorijumu | |||
Pristup poslovima samo za članove | |||
Potpun pristup Blue Board™ tabli na sajtu | |||
ProZ*Pay payment service | |||
Paid jobs. Projects managed by the team to bring more paid work to members | |||
Kvote koje su prvo videli spoljni saradnici | |||
Pratite broj posetilaca profila. | |||
Participate in translation contests | |||
Build a real-time project history to attract clients and show your expertise | |||
Report, track, and verify your continuing professional development | |||
Create service agreements for your clients | |||
Exclusive access to industry reports for freelancers | |||
Additional protection against industry-specific scams | |||
Da uživaju u periodičnim popustima na softver, alatke i konferencije | |||
Da vide samo reklame koje se odnose na prevođenje | |||
Ima pravo na popuste na razne vrste sesija za obuku na sajtu | |||
Ekskluzivni | |||
Lako učitavanje slika u forume | |||
Neograničena lokalizacija slogana profila | |||
Verification of native language | |||
Dodata dimenzija vašem iskustvu | |||
Polja profila o identitetu i bezbednosti i potvrda: pun pristup programu SecurePRO™ Pogledajte detalje | |||
Pogledajte novo rangiranje svih poslodavaca po kategorijama u sistemu Blue Board Pogledajte detalje | |||
Interpreter training: for compliance and certification Pogledajte detalje |
$520 vrednost
Free continuing professional development courses Pogledajte detalje |
+ $2,000 vrednost
Videoteka za pretplatnike na paket Plus sa više od 800 sati sadržaja Pretražite video zapise |
+ $1,000 vrednost*
Detaljnija analitika posetioca profila |
Alat za lokalizaciju namenjen klijentima i saradničkim kontaktima Pogledajte detalje | |||
Attend Meetups | |||
Access to Meetups recordings See details | |||
„Paket” robe i usluga partnera | |||
Potpuna članarina za CafeTran Espresso (CAT alat) Pogledajte detalje |
€80 vrednost
Besplatno preuzimanje IATE terminoloških paketa Henka Sandersona (dostupnih u 552 jezičke kombinacije) Pogledajte detalje |
€5.50+ vrednost†
Besplatno preuzimanje terminoloških paketa Instituta za rečnike CJK (preko 160 glosara dostupnih u 4 jezičke kombinacije) Pogledajte detalje |
€5.00+ vrednost‡
10 mesečnih kredita za TransPDF, brzu i pouzdanu alatku za profesionalce koji koriste XLIFF fajlove Pogledajte detalje |
$60 vrednost
30% discount on PerfectIt™ Proofreading Software | |||
25% scholarships toward selected Middlebury Institute in-person or online, degree or nondegree localization programs. Pogledajte detalje | |||
Uskoro će biti još novih stvari i servisa! | |||
Prednosti klijentski kanala spoljašnjih u odnosu na | |||
Vidžeti tržišta nezavisnih prevodioca i alati za umrežavanje Pogledajte detalje | |||
Prioritetno pozicioniranje za udaljene (API) pretrage direktorijuma Pogledajte detalje | |||
Profesionalno članstvo za TM-Town Pogledajte detalje |
$144 vrednost
Procena interpretera i dodatni kanali za kontaktiranje klijenata za interpretere Pogledajte detalje | |||
Ekskluzivne dodatne prednosti pretplatnika Plus paketa | |||
Uklonite sve reklamne oglase sa celog sajta (i opciono pogledajte sve odjednom na posebno namenjenoj strani) Pogledajte detalje |
* Ako ga kupite pojedinačno, ukupna cena video zapisa u okviru Plus paketa bi bila veća od 9.900 $.
† Cene terminoloških paketa se kreću od 5,50 € do 8,50 €. Postoji ograničenje od preuzimanje do 2 terminološka paketa tokom jednog perioda pretplate na Plus paket.
‡ Cene terminoloških paketa se kreću od 5,50 € do 8,50 €. Kao pretplatnik Plus paketa nemate ograničenje na broj terminoloških paketa koje možete da preuzmete.
Saznajte više o Plus paketu here.
Plus biblioteka sa video zapisima
Continuing professional development (CPD) is important for any freelancer.
There are a lot of free resources nowadays that you can make use of;
there are also paid options that will help you build and maintain your skills,
but this can add up! The team wants to make what would normally be paid content and training more accessible to members,
so a growing array of resources is included as part of the Plus membership subscription.
The video library houses over a thousand hours of content, all free to Plus subscribers.
And now on-demand courses with certificates of completion are being added regularly to the package included in your Plus subscription.
As a member, you can also bring together in one place all of your CPD activity, have it verified by staff,
and showcase your continuing professional development to potential clients and collaborators as one more indication that you are a serious professional who is consistently improving and getting better at what you have to offer.
Plus subscriber video library: on-demand content on translation, interpreting, business, tech, and more
Turn on the Video Library to instantly stream:
Free continuing professional development courses with certification
Tim sajta je ovde da bi vam služio.
Hvala što ste uzeli u obzir investiciju u nezavisan posao pomoću članstva.
![Henry - Founder/President Henry](
![Jared - Member services / La Plata office manager Jared](
![Florencia - Member services Florencia](
![Lucía - Member services Lucía](
![Patrick - Accounting Patrick](
![Helen - Training Helen](
![Yana - Member services Yana](
![Karen - Member services Karen](
![Paul - Systems Adminstrator Paul](
![Andrew - Pro Bono Andrew](
![Hayjor - Member services Hayjor](
![Andrea - Member services Andrea](
![Janelle - Project Manager Janelle](
![Tatiana - Member services Tatiana](
![Nicolás - Senior Developer Nicolás](
![Lukas - Developer Lukas](
![Fawad - Developer Fawad](
![Kevin - Senior Developer Kevin](
![Kodi - Developer Kodi](
![Benedict - Senior Developer Benedict](
![Luana - Member services Luana](
![Naiara - Member services Naiara](
![Joseph - Member services Joseph](
![Isabella - Member services Isabella](
![Juan Ignacio - Project Manager Juan Ignacio](
![Denis - Developer Denis](
![Saint - Member services Saint](
![Ana - Member services Ana](
![Valentín - Member services Valentín](
![Laura - Member services Laura](
![Erika - Member services Erika](
![Charlotte - Member services Charlotte](
![Agostina - Member services Agostina](
![Igor Kmitowski - Senior Developer Igor Kmitowski](
![Monica Oliveira - Operations Outsourcing Monica Oliveira](
![Susan Ring - Communications Coordinator Susan Ring](
![Tanya Quinteri - Program Manager Tanya Quinteri](
![Brian Njoroge - UI/UX Designer Brian Njoroge](
![Chinthanie Dissayanake - Program Administrator for Pro Bono Chinthanie Dissayanake](
Nemojte oklevati da nam se obratite. Bićemo srećni što možemo da vam pomognemo!
Copyright © 1999-2025 - Sva prava su zadržana. Privatnost
"In 2023, I began shutting down my freelance translator work. At 77, I am embarking on new challenges, but always related to the linguistic skills that ProZ helped me to hone. I began translating professionally in 1992 and I was one of the first adherents to I have watched it grow and expand, and it has been a great help to me, especially in the early years in garnering clients that I worked with for nearly two decades in some cases. The KudoZ terminology tools were essential in helping me build my own glossaries for the types of jobs I was involved in. I recall the names of colleagues that I never had the chance to meet in person but with whom I interacted on the KudoZ platform. It has been a truly rewarding experience."