Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

osnovi maticne evidencije

engleski translation:

evidence of record from a master file/registry

Added to glossary by TrueBaller
Jan 30, 2007 02:24
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
srpski term

osnovi maticne egoidencije

srpski na engleski Ostalo Obrazovanje / pedagogija
This is from a high school diploma. Due to this being handwritten, the spelling is likely to be wrong so I would appreciate if anyone could make an intelligent guess. The letters highlighted are those which are illegible. HVALA!

The education is that of a security technician

osnovi maticne eGOIdencije
Proposed translations (engleski)
1 evidence of record from a master file (?)


PoveyTrans (X) (asker) Jan 30, 2007:
...maticne evidencije!

Proposed translations

2 h

evidence of record from a master file (?)

Well, here is a guess, Simon...based on what I could find through these links... and of course "evidencje" is pretty clear: " evindence"

Good luck!

Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"