Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

raspoređen na poslovima

engleski translation:

assigned to the position

Added to glossary by Kristina Kolic
May 23, 2009 20:50
15 yrs ago
6 viewers *
srpski term

rasporedjen na poslovima

srpski na engleski Ostalo Sertifikati, diplome, dozvole, radne biografije certificate
Radnik je rasporedjen na poslovima pomocnika pekar.
Proposed translations (engleski)
4 +6 assigned to the position
Change log

Jan 5, 2010 14:23: Kristina Kolic changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/649418">Natasa Djurovic's</a> old entry - "rasporedjen na poslovima"" to ""assigned to the position ""

Proposed translations

20 min

assigned to the position

Positions may be reclassified for the following reasons: the work duties or the nature of the work assigned to the position has evolved ...

several workers were assigned to lighter online tasks indefinitely or ... Similarly, in Natalie Baker v. LIRC, case no. 97-0067-FT (Wis. ...

POSITION SUMMARY. The Assistant Baker is responsible for delivering ... and services, additional duties and responsibilities may be assigned as needed. ...

Job Title: PT Baker - bloom Job Description: This description is intended to outline the ... and level of work being performed by people assigned to this position. ... JOB TITLE: Assistant Deli/Bakery/HMS Manager JOB DESCRIPTION: This ... Eustis,VA&sort=...

These individuals will follow the tasks, duties, requirements, ... Produces the menu of the day assigned to the pantry/display cooking section. ..... Performs all duties delegated by Head Baker or Assistant such as mixing dough, ...

Note added at 9 hrs (2009-05-24 06:29:14 GMT)

Worker was assigned tasks - ima drugačije značenje
job/position - tasks, duties and responsabilities - job description
Peer comment(s):

agree rainbowns
18 min
agree Milena Chkripeska
52 min
agree Bogdan Petrovic
7 h
agree CroAnglo
8 h
agree Aleksandar Skobic
8 h
agree Goran Tasic
9 h
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala Goco tako sam i prevela, samo sam htela da dobijem potvrdu istog!"