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high quality, use trados, 20K

Objavljen: Nov 18, 2024 12:39 GMT   (GMT: Nov 18, 2024 12:39)
Provera i obaveštenja poslata: Nov 19, 2024 11:33 GMT

Job type: Potencijalan posao
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

Jezici: engleski na hrvatski, engleski na kirgiški, engleski na persijski (farsi), engleski na tajlandski

Opis posla:
We are a translation company based in China. I am writing to you with great excitement as we have recently signed a translation contract with a Fortune 500 company.

As part of this contract, we have hundreds of English - language patent documents that need to be translated into various minor languages. Given the complexity and importance of patent translation, we are in urgent need of highly - skilled and experienced patent translators.

Our company has a long - standing reputation for delivering high - quality translation services. We pride ourselves on our strict quality control processes and our commitment to meeting deadlines. For this project, we are looking for translators who not only have excellent language skills but also a deep understanding of patent - related terminology and concepts.

If you are an experienced patent translator with a proven track record in handling complex technical translations, we would like to hear from you. Here are some of the requirements and benefits:

1. Fluency in English and at least one of the target minor languages.
2. Proven experience in patent translation, preferably with samples of previous work available for review.
3. Ability to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.

1. Competitive payment rates based on the complexity of the documents and your experience.
2. A stable stream of work as we have a large volume of documents to be translated.
3. The opportunity to work with a well - established Chinese translation company and be part of a significant project with a Fortune 500 company.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume, a brief introduction of your translation experience,samples of documents send to [HIDDEN] soon as possible.

We look forward to receiving your applications and potentially working with some of the best patent translators on [HIDDEN]

Opis kompanije: We are a translation company based in China. I am writing to you with great excitement as we have recently signed a translation contract with a Fortune 500 company.

As part of this contract, we have hundreds of English - language patent documents that need to be translated into various minor languages. Given the complexity and importance of patent translation, we are in urgent need of highly - skilled and experienced patent translators.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Uslovi za vršioce usluga (prema odredbama onoga ko je objavio posao):
info Obavezna stručnost: Pravo/patenti
info Poželjan maternji jezik: Ciljni jezik (jezici)
Oblast: patent
Rok za podnošenje ponuda: Jan 30, 2025 22:00 GMT
O poslodavcu:
This job was posted by a logged in visitor.

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Contact person title: PM

Primljene ponude: 26
engleski na kirgiški:4
engleski na hrvatski:8
engleski na persijski (farsi):11
engleski na tajlandski:3