Translation glossary: Ekonomsko-pravna terminologija EN>SR

Showing entries 1-10 of 10
annual leavegodišnji odmor 
English to Serbian
employed for an indefinitezaposlen na nedređeno vreme 
English to Serbian
income taxporez na dohodak 
English to Serbian
Law on Higher EducationZakon o visokom obrazovanju 
English to Serbian
meal allowancestopli obrok 
English to Serbian
PENSIONABLE SERVICEnavršen penzijski staž 
English to Serbian
reimbursement of material costspovraćaj materijalnih troškova 
English to Serbian
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. PENSION AND DISABILITY INSURANCE FUNDRepublicki fond za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje 
English to Serbian
Vice Dean of Academic Affairsprodekan za nastavu 
English to Serbian
years of servceradni staž 
English to Serbian
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