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engleski na bosanski: YOUR RIGHTS TO A FAIR HEARING WITH THE FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION General field: Pravo/patenti Detailed field: Društvene nauke, sociologija, etika itd.
Izvorni tekst - engleski
This document outlines your rights to a fair hearing concerning any decision made by the Missouri Department of Social Services Family Support Division in regards to any of the following programs:
Food Stamps, Child Care, Temporary Assistance, MO HealthNet for Families, MO HealthNet for Kids, MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women and Newborns, Medical Assistance for the Elderly, Blind and Disabled, Blind Pension, Supplemental Aid to the Blind, Nursing Home Coverage
You have the right to a fair hearing if you think any decision made by this agency is wrong or if you have information that could show that your current benefits should remain at the same level they were before the decision stated in the accompanying notice.
If the accompanying notice is titled “Adverse Action”, you can only keep your current level of benefits if you respond to and request a fair hearing within the time period specified on the notice of “Adverse Action”.
If you lose the hearing, you will have to pay back all excess benefits you received during the hearing process. If your benefits decreased and you win the hearing, you will get any lost benefits back.
If you ask for a hearing, we will schedule it and notify you of the date, time, and location. At the hearing, you can present your case by yourself, or you can have someone represent you, including a lawyer. You can have witnesses at the hearing, and you can ask questions of witnesses that the Family Support Division brings to the hearing. Free legal services are possible by contacting the phone number for those services on the accompanying notice.
If you do not ask for a hearing by the date specified on any “Adverse Action Notice”, we will reduce or end your benefits as described in the accompanying notice. After that date you are still able to ask for a hearing within the next 90 days from the date of that notice.
Also please keep in mind that you may not need a hearing if you have reported information to the FSD Information Center at 1-855-373-4636 that could result in your benefits being redetermined and the actions outlined in this notice no longer applying or have changed. If you report changes that result in a redetermination of benefits, you will receive a notice about that redetermination.
Prevod - bosanski
Ovaj dokument predstavlja Vaša prava na pravedni sudski postupak povodom odluke donesene od strane Odjela za socijalnu pomoć i podršku porodici ( Department of Social Services Family Support Division) povodom nekog od slijedecih programa: Bonovi za hranu, Dječiji dodatak, Privremena pomoć, Mo HealthNet za porodicu, Mo HealthNet za djecu, Mo HealthNet za trudnice I novorođenčad, Medicinska pomoć za starije, slijepe i invalide, Penzija za slijepe, Dodatna pomoć za slijepe, Pokrivanje troškova za starački dom.
Vi imate pravo na pravedni sudski postupak, ukoliko smatrate da je odluka, donesena od strane ove agencije pogrešna, ili ako imate informacije koje mogu dokazati da Vaše trenutne beneficije trebaju ostati na istom nivou na kojem su bile prije odluke koja je naznačena u pratećoj obavijesti.
Ukoliko je prateća obavijest naznačena sa“Adverse Action” (Nepovoljna odluka), onda možete samo zadržati trenutni nivo beneficija,ako odgovorite na zahtjev za pravedni sudski postupak u navedenom vremenskom periodu, naznačenom u “Adverse Action”.
Ukoliko izgubite sudsku parnicu, moraćete vratiti nazad sve dodatne beneficije koje ste primili u toku procesa. Ako su Vaše beneficije umanjene i Vi dobijete parnicu, onda ćete dobiti sve propuštene beneficije.
Ukoliko želite suđenje, mi ćemo ga zakazati,te Vas obavijestiti o datumu, vremenu i lokaciji. U toku procesa se možete sami predstavljati, ili možete imati nekoga ko ce Vas predstavljati, uključujući i advokata. Možete dovesti svjedoke na ročiste i možete ispitivati svjedoke koje je Odjel za podršku porodici (Family Support Division ) doveo. Besplatni pravni savjeti su mogući ukoliko kontaktirate brojeve telefona za to,navedene u pratećem pismu.
Ukoliko ne zahtjevate sudski postupak do datuma naznačenog u “Adverse Action Notice”, mi ćemo umanjiti Vaše beneficije kao što je naznačeno u pratećem pismu. Nakon tog datuma još uvijek možete tražiti sudski postupak u roku od 90 dana, od datuma na obavijesti.
Isto tako imajte na umu, da možda nećete trebati ročište ako ste prijavili informacije FSD informacionom centru na 1-855-373-4636, što moze rezultirati ponovnim odobrenjem i radnje navedene u ovoj obavijesti se ne primjenjuju više ili su promjenjene. Ako prijevite promjene koje rezultiraju ponovnim odobrenjem , dobićete obavijest o ponovnom odobrenju.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Bachelor's degree - University of Sarajevo
Godine iskustva: 14. Registrovan/a na Dec 2014.
Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
• Interpreting from Bosnian to English and from English to Bosnian for International Institute of St Louis 2012
• Interpreter/Translator on the Bosnian Memory Project – Fontbonne University 2012 (also as a project advisor)
• Interpreting/Translating from Bosnian to English and from English to Bosnian for “Global Village” – interpreting agency 2012
• Translating for "Health Screening of Bosnian Community"- St Louis University - 2014
• Interpreting/translating for "Fluent Language Solution" -2015
• Interpreting/ translating for "5t Language" -2015
Completed Certification in Mental Health Interpreting -2015